Interesting discussions about ENERGY COMMUNITIES and Citizen Participation today in Valencia, Spain. #Idearia2019 Thanks Unión Renovables for inviting us. Great workshop from Barrio la pinada and Aeioluz.
Our Ecooperative presented the pioneer case of Greece that has already implemented a national legal framework for them.

From May 3 to 5, the XIV edition of IDEARIA took place in Las Naves, a pioneer space for social innovation in the city of Valencia. IDEARIA is a meeting of social and solidarity economy, with a long trajectory of almost thirty years, oriented to collective learning, the generation of synergies and the intercooperation between projects and people. This biannual meeting is a meeting point to strengthen ties, discover new perspectives and facilitate coordination dynamics and synergies between different agents of the Social and Solidarity Economy, Fair Trade, Agroecology, Renewable Energies and Ethical Finance .

More info about Idearia 2019 here