See the Guide to Establishing Energy Communities here! This guide aims to be useful to citizens and communities throughout Greece, as well as to inspire and help understand the steps to start an...
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This report aims to present the impact of energy communities at a time when citizen participation in the energy transition and energy democracy emerge as particularly important conditions to shield so...
The goal of this publication is to illustrate good practices of energy communities in the region, to inspire other citizens to launch their own citizen energy communities, following the steps of - and...
The present research weaves together transformations and post-growth literature and constructs a qualitative analytical frameworkagainst which an initiative’s post-growth transformative capacity can...
This report is the result of a 4-month survey aiming to investigate the progress of the development of Energy Communities in Greece since the introduction of law 4513/2018.
Gathering expertise from 27 projects around Europe - this guide is packed with instructions, practical tips, powerful success stories and invaluable resources to build a local, community- led renewabl...
This guide aims to clarify the framework in which ECs operate, their role in a fair energy transition while providing both theoretical and practical information for their development.